Playwright and educator, Gail Sterkel, will lead participants in the art of writing Flash Fiction (stories that have fewer than 300 words). Writers will learn more about the characteristics and process of writing Flash Fiction, look at examples, and practice writing it!
Ages 16+
Max: 15 participants
Cost: $20 (Summer 2022 Promotional Rate)
Gail Sterkel is an award-winning playwright and teacher. Her play Ten Thousand Moons from Here (with K.A. Johnson) won Best New Play by a Woman award from the Brink Theatre via the Renaissance Theatre, in Milwaukee, in addition to the play being a commissioned piece by KRASS (Kathie Rasmussen Women’s Theatre of Madison). Her 10-minute plays have been performed on Madison stages at the Bartell Theatre, Edgewood College’s Diane Ballweg Theatre, TNW Theatre, and the Overture Center for the Performing Arts. Her short play, Lust Through Infiniti was a finalist in the New Jersey Rep Theatre’s contest. In addition, her screenplay Green Romance (with J. Levine Thal) was a semi-finalist in the Chicago Screenwriters Contest, and quarter-finalist in the Portland Screenplay Awards, the Atlanta Screenplay Awards, and the Reno/Tahoe Screenplay Contest. Ms. Sterkel has taught creative writing workshops with UW’s Rhinelander School of the Arts, to hundreds of high school students, and currently teaches writing at Madison College.