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Fiction Writing Class: Experiences as Connectors w/ Bob Drews

In this class, Sheboygan-raised Author, Bob Drews, will teach folks how to use an experience as a connector in their writing.

His wife and he took a monthlong road trip from West to Midwest to South in the fall of 2016 and made note along the way of scenery, places, and people. The experience sparked the idea of a novel built around two men using separate road trips not just for the traditional sightseeing but also to resolve compelling issues in their lives. This was the spark for his new novel: Look for Something Good.

Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own experiences to find potential sparks for further writing.

FREE Class (donations accepted)

923 N 8th St

Bob was born in Sheboygan, grew up on the south side, and graduated from South High School in 1967. From there he went on to college and then to work at newspapers for over 30 years. Bob spent the bulk of those years in California and he is now retired (at least from newspapers) with his wife in northern Nevada.