
What are ashes to us?

How much of the being is still in there?

We keep them in urns on the hearth or in shoeboxes under the bed

We visit them, talk to them, cry near them

We wear them in necklaces

Sprinkle them in yards 

Run our fingers through them

What are we hoping to get?

A familiar feeling for the loved one whom we lost?

A repressed memory?

A message from wherever they are?

Is it better to keep them contained or to set them free?

Maybe this depends on the one who died 

Maybe some souls need a container to feel safe

In a warm room

Surrounded by soothing voices

But maybe some souls feel better if they are spread back into the world

Finally and completely untethered from their bodies

Separated into pieces and parts 

Riding in the wind

Landing on flowers and sand and dirt 

In creeks, on mountains, and through valleys

But if you let them go-

Do you lose any of your connective power?

Does the complete and utter absence for their earthbound shell heal you or hurt you more?

Like grains of sand being pulled out by the tide 

Never to be seen again

But you know it happened

Because you were there

Praying their disappearance does not erase their existence from your mind’s eye